Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why is one type of pitcher plant called old world and the other new world?

1 ) The term old world has the following meaning =

The Old World consists of those parts of Earth known to Europeans, Asians, and Africans in the 15th century before the voyages of Christopher Columbus; it includes Europe, Asia, and Africa (collectively known as Afro-Eurasia), plus surrounding islands.

The term is in distinction from the New World, meaning the Americas and Australasia.

Although the interiors of Asia and Africa were not well known to Europeans at the time, their existence was known. Oceania and Antarctica are neither definitively Old World nor New World, since the terms "Old World" and "New World" predate their discovery by Europeans.

The pitcher plants mainly found in those parts are called old world species !!

2 ) The term New world has the following meaning =

New World is one of the names used for the non-Eurasian/non-African parts of the Earth, specifically the Americas.

When the term originated in the late 15th century, the Americas were new to the Europeans, who previously thought of the world as consisting only of Europe, Asia, and Africa (collectively, the Old World).

The term "New World" should not be confused with "modern world"; the latter generally refers to a historical period, not a landmass.

The pitcher plants mainly found in those parts are called New world species !!

click on the link below to see ' Both the Worlds '


Tropical Pitcher Plants or Monkey Cups, are a genus of carnivorous plants in the monotypic family Nepenthaceae that comprises roughly 120 species, numerous natural and many cultivated hybrids.

They are vine-forming plants of the Old World tropics, ranging from South China, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines; westward to Madagascar (2 species) and the Seychelles (1); southward to Australia (3) and New Caledonia (1); and northward to India (1) and Sri Lanka (1). The greatest diversity occurs on Borneo and Sumatra.

Thus it is dominantly an old world species !!!

California Pitcher plant, Cobra Lily, or Cobra Plant, is a carnivorous plant, the sole member of the genus Darlingtonia in the family Sarraceniaceae.

It is native to Northern California and Oregon, growing in bogs and seeps with cold running water. This plant is designated as uncommon due to its rarity in the field.

Thus , it is a New world species !!!!

From = Botanist

Why is one type of pitcher plant called old world and the other new world?
Thanks for the honor !!!

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