Thursday, November 12, 2009

How do i propagate an asian pitcher plant ?


"You will not be killing the plant, but neps are slow growing so you have to be patient with it. The part that you leave in the pot will not die from trimming it back, and it will grow from differnet points. There are small dormant nodes above every leaf on the stem, look hard and you can see them. When you cut the top off of the plant then the growth will start from those nodes that until this time have been dormant. So you may get several new growth spots, or it may just happen from the uppermost node. If you cut one down low enough to where all you have is about an inch or so of stalk, then you may possibly even have tiny new plants growing up from the roots, which you can later seperate out from the roots, or leave in there, as this is the "bushy" look that you are going for by cutting it down in the first place.

Now, the part that you cut off, it is best to make sure that it has about three leaves on it, and notch the bottom of it. You can repot it and it will most likely root. It would also be a big help if you can use a rooting hormone or superthrive. Nep cuttings don't always take, I just had three of them die on me, but this is actually the most common way of propagating a nepenthes. Just be very patient with the cutting, it can take several months, and the actual part that you plant will not grow, but eventually you will see new growth coming up from the roots (tiny baby plants poping up around the planted cutting) and growth from those nodes above the leaves."

How do i propagate an asian pitcher plant ?
Take a stem cutting and put it in sphagnum moss, keep it moist. Well, grow the sphagnum moss first, put it in a container and keep it wet, it'll grow in about 3 weeks, then take the cuttings, stick them in, and there's about a 50 percent success rate. Goodluck!

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